Götessons Design Group engagerar sig i olika organisationer och föreningar för att öka organisationens lokala förankring samt stötta organisationer som lever upp till GDG:s värderingar. Detta görs framför allt görs genom sponsorskap men också genom att skänka inredning till föreningarnas lokaler.
Ulricehamns IF Skidor is a club with a long and storied history. Over the years, UIF Skidor has produced an impressive list of skiers who have competed at both national and international levels. Their achievements have helped put Ulricehamn on the map as a destination for skiing and competitions.
Thanks to a strong organization and the support of a community passionate about club life, UIF Skidor had the honor of hosting the FIS Cross-Country World Cup in 2016, 2017, and 2019. This event was a milestone not only for the club but also for the city as a whole.
For several years, Götessons Design Group has been a proud sponsor of UIF Skidor, and when the idea arose to refurbish the local gathering hall, it was only natural to contribute. The primary need was seating furniture where young athletes could relax between training sessions. Available products included two Time Out chairs, tables, Officeballz, SMS boxes, a print absorber on the wall, and several cushions. These were products that had previously been used in exhibitions or at trade fairs and have now found a new home—fully in line with Götessons’ circular vision of reusing as much as possible.